Rev. Elenora Mackey Cushenberry, Th.D.
Almost to the benediction…that’s the way we could look at these last few chapters of 40 Days Living The Jesus Creed. Just four more chapters (days) to go. The equivalent of extinguishing the candles or taking the Christ light out into the world, recessional hymn, benediction, congregational fellowship/dispersing. McKnight almost made it! But, then, he dropped the bombshell—that onerous and divisive “M” word. “You see, that’s why I don’t like Church,” I could hear someone say. “Money always has to come up!”
In 1973, the O’Jays recorded one of their hit songs, “For the Love of Money.” With this song, we are reminded that we “do thangs, do thangs, do thangs - bad thangs with it.” Yet the aim is to “do thangs, do thangs, do thangs - good thangs with it – yeah.”
Almost the Benediction!
Money is a part of our lives. Money is also a part of the DNA of Jesus’ ministry. “Hey, you over there, isn’t your Rabbi going to pay taxes just like everyone else?” (Matthew 17:24) Judas carried the purse and stole from it (John 12:6, 13:29). And, there were women who traveled with them and gave of their resources (Luke 8:2-3). Interestingly, money was used to accuse Jesus: “They began to accuse him, saying, ‘We found this man perverting our nation, forbidding us to pay taxes to the emperor, and saying that he himself is the Messiah, a king.’” (Luke 23:2)
As I mediate on today’s reading, Matthew 25 comes to mind. Matthew 25, the passage describing the final judgment, gives us a good picture of both the importance of money and how we should use our money “to do thangs, do thangs, do thangs, good thangs with it”: When I was hungry, you fed me.” This takes money. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. This, too, takes money. When I was naked, you clothed me. Used or new clothes—money! When I was sick, you took care of me; imprisoned, you visited me.” Yes, money, money, money—especially if we take into consideration the cost of gasoline for driving.
I’m happy that McKnight saw the necessity of including the topic of money before giving us the benediction. In this way, the “almighty dollar, money” is dethroned and the Almighty God sits on the throne of our lives, our ministry, our worship, our money. The offertory is an integral part of our worship of God and the ministry of Jesus Christ!
For the love of God, we will give and use our money to do thangs, do thangs, do thangs, good thangs with it…and let the Church say, “YEAH!” or “AMEN”!
All things come from you, O God, and of Your own have we given!
Now, let us move on to the Benediction.
Lyrics of “For the Love of Money” copied from
We are reminded that the offertory consists of more than just monetary gifts. It also consists of offering memorial gifts, our talents and gifts, etc.
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