Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pressing Forward in Love

Rev. Ellen Alston

Weather report for the week: The sun is shining for the moment, but with gathering clouds, and severe storms are threatening in the days ahead. I’ve brought an extra layer to wear for comfort and security, but strangely I find myself letting go of it and laying it out onto the street. Someone has put a palm branch into my hand, and I am waving it and crying out “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

I am amazed at how Jesus enters right into my life, my city, my world. Here he comes, riding awkwardly on a colt, a magnet for both cheers and jeers, and letting each of them roll right off his back. It’s difficult for me to see what God is doing here, unless I look with eyes of faith that trust that God follows through. I’m pinning my hope on Jesus, but again it’s not something I can see right now, but a glimpse of his in-breaking kingdom that spurs me on while I live as if it has already been fulfilled.

This Holy Week is really about the in-between time, the strange unfinished time when God is bringing it all together even as it feels like it is all coming apart. It’s the time when Jesus walks completely in who God is, even as the closest disciples run away. Such time would be unbearable, were it not for the love that remembers its source, and anticipates its culmination.

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